Monday, July 23, 2007


Running water, slow water, standing water, where did the water go?
Hummocks, squish, squash, water in my shoes, up around my ankles water, MARSH!
Ferns and blueberry bushes the size of small trees!
Creek Pond, 2 beaver huts, 1 dam.
More marsh, more water, less water, marsh again.

This describes our first three days at the Barrington Headwaters. WET
Not to mention the rain!

Our group is composed of Elizabeth and myself, Rena. We want to explore the quality of water running through the Barrington Headwaters. In 2005, there was a group that found 4 sites to test pH, dissolved Oxygen, conductivity, temperature, and clarity. We will be testing the same pieces of information for comparison. The equipment we are using comes from UNH, except the pH meter (thanks RICK!). We are using the GPS to find these sites (inflow and outflow of water from Beaver Pond to Creek Pond and out of the area). It is very difficult land to transverse through. When we found the Beaver huts and dam, the land was changed from 2005 so it has become more difficult to travel through, according to Eleanor (our teacher). Our project plan is to compare the results we get to the 2005 results, teach others why it is important to conserve water and the importance of understanding what it means to say water is "drinkable."

1 comment:

Elizabeth and Rena said...

I like this for an intro to our project! It's perfect!