Friday, July 27, 2007

HEAT WAVE! Great day for computer work!

Hi all,
Thursday brought hot, humid air our way! With all our data collected, we spent the day in the classroom on the computers. We made a to-do list and a priority list which we worked on and got a lot accomplished.
It is amazing that we have all done and learned as much as we have in such a short time. Next week will be fast paced but I am looking forward to hearing about the other projects and to completing our report.
I am including a few of my favorite photos because even though I am not at the Tamposi, the Tamposi is on my mind....
Does anyone enjoy a mystery? Well, the photo of the marsh has something to do with our forthcoming lesson plan....
I have spent sooooo much time on my pedagogy and I finally finshed it this afternoon! As Eleanor has told will never be done-it is a work-in-progress. Mine is as good as I can get it for now. Time to turn to the lesson plan and the research report!

This is a green dragonfly that we watched flitter and dance with dozens of other dragonflies near beaver pond. The color is almost neon -it appears shiny in the sun and the winges are different too. We saw another that was blue along the outflow of beaver pond into the creek.

More photos hinting to our lesson plan....

enjoy the weekend :)


Barrington Navigators said...

Do we get to slog through the marsh for your class lesson? You two are by far the biggest adventurers -- it was a huge topic to take on, and I respect you both for all the field work you've put in. I look forward to seeing how your project comes together. Good luck this week!

Group Vernal said...

You two are awesome. I admire how much energy and drive you have both put into your project, and amazed at how much you have accomplished. I understand the happiness and sadness that came with the final day in the field having experienced it myself. I can't wait to see the finished project and see what mystery your lesson plan uncovers. Keep up the good work. I am sad it is all coming to an end. - Mary